At the City Council Meeting on June 25, the San Ramon City Council adopted a balanced budget for the 2024/25 Fiscal Year (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025). Click here to view the adopted budget.
This budget closes a $17.6 million shortfall in revenue through several strategies, including $8.1 million in budget cuts across all departments, un-funding vacant staff positions, and increasing user fees for City services.
The budgeting process began in December 2023. Three public workshops were held in 2024 as part of the budget review process (April 23, May 28 and June 4), followed by the June 25 City Council meeting where the final budget was adopted.
Budget Balancing Strategies for 2024/25:
Reduce departmental budgets citywide $8.1 million
Un-fund vacant positions $2.6 million
Enhance revenue from user fees $1.5 million
Transfer labor expense from General Fund to General Plan Fund 201 $0.3 million
Fund annual pension expense from reserves $1.6 million
Fund retiree medical benefits from OPEB Trust fund $3.5 million
Total: $17.6 million
The Adopted 2024/25 Budget includes cuts of approximately $8.1 million to the City’s operating costs, which impacts all City departments.
Cuts include:
- Staffing reductions across the City (during the 2024/25 fiscal year, new vacancies will also be evaluated and frozen if they are not deemed critical)
- Reduced hours at the San Ramon Library (closed Mondays)
- Reduced community events, including one summer concert, the Dive-In Movie program, one Presenting Series show, Holiday on the Farm, Holiday Tree Lighting at the San Ramon Community Center
- Reduced counter hours at community centers
- Elimination of Passport Services at City Hall
- Reduced landscape maintenance in City parks and school parks (maintained by the City)
- Reduced janitorial services in City facilities
- Reduced hours of operation for Bollinger Fountain
- Reduced timeframe and hours for Fall Recreation Swim
For additional information on cuts, click here to view the San Ramon City Report Newsletter - Fall 2024.
For more detailed information, please view staff reports in agenda packets, and recordings of public meetings at the links below.
April 23 Budget Workshop:
Staff presentation of projected revenues and budget, City Council discussion of budget cuts and budget restoration items and direction to staff
> Click here to view the Agenda Packet with proposed budget cuts
> Click here to watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube (item begins at 00:01)
May 28 City Council Meeting:
Staff presentation of preliminary budget draft, update on total revenue shortfall, City Council discussion and direction to staff
> Click here to watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube (item begins at 1:33:05)
June 4 Budget Workshop:
Staff presentation of options for closing additional $3.5 million budget gap to meet reserve requirement of 36%, City Council discussion and direction to staff
> Click here to view the Agenda Packet
> Click here to watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube (item begins at 00:01)
June 25 City Council Meeting:
Staff presentation of proposed FY 2024/25 Budget and Capital Improvement Project Budget, Council Adoption of Budget
> Click here to view the Agenda Packet with proposed FY 2024/25 Budget & CIP Budget (pages 140-148)
> Click here to watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube (item begins at 22:26)