Public Report on Contra Costa County’s Behavioral Health Community Crisis Response Initiative: Friday, April 2

Approximately one in five adults in Contra Costa County are struggling with behavioral health issues. The complex and decentralized system of intervention and mental health treatment programs in our county often means those experiencing a behavioral health crisis cannot access the care they need when they need it. All too often, calling 9-1-1 can feel like the only option a family or caregiver has when behavior escalates beyond what they can manage.
Working in partnership with the City of San Ramon and other cities across the county, Contra Costa Health Services launched a comprehensive review of existing behavioral health crisis response services and developed a vision for future improvements.
You are invited to join a public report on the results of the first in a series of three week-long “Rapid Improvement Events” that explores potential strategies for addressing community needs. The public report will take place Friday, April 2 at 2 p.m.
Over the last several months, a group of dedicated stakeholders from crisis response teams and programs, law enforcement, dispatch, community organizations and partners as well as those with personal lived experience navigating a mental health crisis have identified the barriers that prevent us from providing compassionate care and easy access to behavioral health services for all.
The report will focus on one of the key areas for improvement in our response to a mental health crisis - having a single number for people to call to access services and a non-police mobile crisis response team available within forty-five minutes twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
The event will be eye-opening for our community – as this diverse group of individuals representing different viewpoints will share the next steps to improve our county’s response to behavioral health crises after spending an intense week coming together to solve the shared problem and desire to do something about it quickly as a unified team.
When: Friday, April 2, 2021 at 2 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 993 5204 7528
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Meeting ID: 993 5204 7528
You can learn more about Contra Costa County’s Behavioral Health Community Crisis Response Initiative at