As of January 1, 2025, waste collection rates have increased by 2.63%.
Most households have 35-gallon service, and currently pay $152.33 per quarter ($50.78 per month). Beginning January 1, the adjusted rate will be $156.34 for the same service, an increase of $4.01 per quarter, or $52.11 per month.
Per the City’s Franchise Agreement with ACI of San Ramon, every year there is a scheduled review of the rates to determine what the waste collection rates will be beginning January 1, 2025. For 2025, the review was index-based, accounting for factors such as labor and fuel costs, various cost indices, changes in processing costs for recycling and organics, disposal costs based on tonnage collected, and any adjustments to landfill tipping fees.
On October 1, 2024, ACI submitted their Rate Application with the above financial details, estimating the 2025 per ton landfill rate, and requested the rate adjustment be 2.92% for 2025.
After reviewing the financial data and incorporating the actual 2025 disposal rate, received in late October, City staff determined that a 2.63% rate adjustment is justified for 2025.
Questions? Please contact Public Works, Environmental Services at SREnvironmental@sanramon.ca.gov.