Information regarding Public Transit amid COVID-19 restrictions: Public Transit Flyer.
County Connection Updates amid COVID-19 restrictions: https://countyconnection.com/covid-19-information/
BART reducing service amid COVID-19 restrictions:
BART service reduction
- 511.org - Metropolitan Transportation Commission's traffic information web site
511 is your one-stop and web source for up-to-the-minute transportation information. It's FREE and available whenever you need it - 24/7 - from anywhere in the nine-county Bay Area.
- 511 Contra Costa - Commute incentive programs for residents and those who work in Contra Costa County, including the: Vanpool Incentive Program, Drive Less Commute Incentive Program, and the Guaranteed Ride Home Program.
- Altamont Commuter Express (ACE) - County Connection Route 92x from the San Ramon Transit Center and the Danville Sycamore Park & Ride Lot to the ACE train station in Pleasanton.
- AC Transit, Serves Alameda and Western Contra Costa Counties, with transbay service to the San Francisco Transbay Terminal.
- Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) & Bart Express - Serving the Greater Bay Area.
When traveling to the Walnut Creek or Dublin/Pleasanton BART Stations, avoid traffic congestion and the inconvenience of locating a parking space. It can be as simple as leaving your car at the San Ramon Transit Center and boarding a County Connection express bus.
Carpool to BART – Carpools can park in a designated Carpool parking space at selected BART Stations, including Dublin/Pleasanton and Walnut Creek BART. Carpools must have a BART Carpool Parking Permit.
*To locate a Carpool to BART rider and a BART parking permit please visit www.511.org
- California Road Conditions from Caltrans
- Clipper Cards - Clipper is the all-in-one transit card for the Bay Area, and in limited locations you can use it to pay for parking. Adult Clipper Cards are available to purchase in San Ramon at Whole Foods and Walgreens for $3.00, and at City Hall for $7.75 (details on City pricing). Senior and Youth Clipper Cards can only be obtained directly from Clipper by filling out an application online on the Clipper website: www.clippercard.com.
- County Connection – Provides bus service to and from the Dublin/Pleasanton and Walnut Creek BART Stations to San Ramon. Provides paratransit services through LINK Paratransit with information available by following this link: LINK Paratransit Updated Bus Schedules available at BART Stations, City of San Ramon offices, Public Libraries, and Community Centers. Call (925) 676-7500 or visit www.cccta.org.
- Go San Ramon On Demand Service - service within the County Connection Route 36 area that was eliminated in March 2019.
- Wheels - Provides equal access to a variety of safe, affordable and reliable public transportation choices, increasing the mobility and improving the quality of life of those who live or work in and visit the Tri-Valley area. These include bus connections to BART, ACE, and County Connection.