Street statistics for the City of San Ramon:
Total centerline miles =243.1
Total lane miles = 503.2
Total pavement area = 43.0 million square feet
Total parking lot area = 1.1 million square feet
Average PCI* = 77
Total Replacement Cost = $670.3 million
Pavement Management Budget (for 2024) = $3.0 million
* PCI is an objective and rational, although not perfectly precise, basis for determining pavement condition and establishing maintenance priorities with values between 0 and 100, where 0 representing the worst possible condition and 100 representing a new pavement. It is determined by observations that are made on every City-owned street every two years.
Data released by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) show the region’s 44,000 lane-miles of local streets and roads registered an average pavement condition index (PCI) score of 67 out of a maximum possible 100 points last year, as calculated on a three-year moving average basis. >>Read the MTC Report here<<
Pavement Management Strategy
City’s streets are maintained through a variety of efforts including: local pothole repair and other maintenance by the City’s Public Works crew; crack sealing, pothole repair and small projects by the City’s “on-call” contractors; and annual major maintenance and repair projects that are undertaken every summer.
Each year, the City selects streets for major maintenance the following year and makes an estimate of which streets will be treated for the next five years. The selection of streets and the treatments to be used depends on the street type (arterial/collector/local), condition of the street and overall network, the condition of streets within a neighborhood or area, and the funds available. The selection incorporates a “critical point” analysis that targets roads for repair prior to them requiring the next most expensive treatment while prioritizing: 1) preventative maintenance to keep good streets good at a low cost and; 2) “low PCI” streets (arterials, collectors, and local streets with a PCI of less than 50, 45, and 30, respectively). Summaries of the pavement management analysis and findings and the current five-year plan that were presented to the Infrastructure Committee are below:
The streets that are expected to be paved in the next 5 years (subject to change with each annual review) are shown on these maps.
Pavement Preservation and Rehabilitation Techniques
San Ramon employs a number of different pavement preservation and rehabilitation techniques. These include full depth reclamation, asphalt concrete overlays and inlays, thin maintenance overlays, asphalt-rubber chip seal (incorporating used tire rubber - see below), microsurfacing, and slurry seals. In addition, we are constantly looking for new environmentally friendly and/or more cost-effective techniques such as cold in-place recycling. The cost effectiveness of each method depends on the condition of the street, its original design, and traffic loads. Los Angeles County has an excellent website that describes many of these methods:
Asphalt-Rubber Chip Seal
A portion of waste tires were diverted from California Landfills through the repaving
of streets in the Alcosta Boulevard Pavement Rehabilitation Project, Pavement
Management 2019 Project, the Pavement Management 2021 Project, and the Pavement Management 2023 Project with
Rubberized Asphalt.